
Numenera: Liminal Shores

Created by Monte Cook Games

Three thematically linked hardcover sourcebooks with all new material for the award-winning phenomenon of the Numenera tabletop RPG.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

BackerKit Is Now Open! (Plus: Check Out the New CSR)
over 4 years ago – Sat, Oct 05, 2019 at 12:28:20 AM

This is art from the new Cypher System Rulebook. More on that below.

BackerKit, which we’re using for pledge management for Numenera: Liminal Shores, is now open!

You should have received an email from BackerKit yesterday with your invitation, but if you didn’t, you can use this link to complete the survey:

Here are two important things you should know about BackerKit:

  • Kickstarter does not provide us with the information we need to fulfill your rewards. You must fill out your BackerKit survey, or we might not be able to provide you with your rewards. (But good news: it’s easy, and it only takes a few minutes.)
  • BackerKit is NOT the final step. As each reward becomes available, we’ll email you instructions on how to provide us with the info we need to send you that reward. (People’s information changes, and we’ll be delivering rewards for well over a year; our process ensures up-to-date shipping info and allows you to bundle rewards together if you desire.) The information we collect in BackerKit is important, but please keep paying attention to information we send you in updates and by email.

Now that that’s out of the way, here are some things you can do in BackerKit, beyond providing us with basic survey information:

  • If you included funds for add-ons, this is where you’ll tell us what those funds are for. (Those extra funds will be a credit on BackerKit, and you’ll “spend” that credit on the add-ons you want.)
  • You can upgrade your pledge level. If you supported the campaign early, maybe you didn’t realize what incredible deals the ONTO LIMINAL SHORES and INTO THE DATASPHERE levels became. 
  •  You can purchase additional add-ons, even if you didn’t pledge extra funds during the campaign.

Also, BackerKit accepts late pledges, so if you know anyone who missed the campaign, please share this link with them:

Check Out the Beautiful New Cypher System Rulebook! 

 Last week saw the launch of the new Cypher System Rulebook. It’s had an incredible response—here’s just a taste:

The Cypher System Rulebook lets you use Numenera’s multiple-award-winning game engine to power any campaign you can imagine. Horror, fantasy, science fiction, superhero, steampunk—you name it, the incredibly flexible Cypher System makes it easy. And like Numenera, it’s fast and narrative at the game table and a dream to GM. If you don’t have it yet, download the free preview and take a look at the new Cypher System Rulebook!

Thank You So Much for a Great Campaign! Now: What Comes Next
over 4 years ago – Sat, Sep 14, 2019 at 01:30:32 AM

Thank you so much for your all of your support for Numenera: Liminal Shores. We are super thrilled to be making so many great titles over the months to come—not just what we started out to fund, but additional books, decks, and accessories. We think you’ll be really happy with the results!

I’ve got some critical info for you, but first I’d like to thank the members of team MCG, who all helped make this campaign a success:

Monte, Shanna, Sean, and Bruce, our fantastic creative team, thought hard about what the Ninth World, and Numenera fans, needed the most to make their adventures and campaigns even more wondrous and exciting. Bear (and the many great illustrators he works with) brought—and continues to bring, every day—the Ninth World to life visually. (He also did the beautiful graphics for this campaign.) Tammie kept the company going while this this campaign raged around her, Jen worked diligently helping gamers with questions and issues that arose from this campaign and others, and Darcy interfaced with you, our wonderful community, here and everywhere gamers congregate online.

And, of course, thanks to you: the many Numenera fans and new members being welcomed into our community, for backing this campaign. You make all of this possible, and we never lose sight of that.

Here’s what to expect as we move forward from here.

This Evening and the Next Few Days

Running Kickstarter campaigns is rewarding in many ways, and we have greatly enjoyed interacting with you through these updates, the comments, social media, and so on. But it’s also a brutally hectic challenge to administer it all. And most of the MCG staff has been keeping up with our regular duties throughout—shipping the reprint of Invisible Sun, getting the Cypher System Rulebook out to backers of the Your Best Game Ever campaign, moving Enchirdion of the Path to press, and more. So, as we often do after Kickstarter campaigns wind down, we’re taking a short break.

Don’t expect to hear much from us this weekend, or in the week or two ahead of us. If you have questions, feel free to send a Kickstarter message, but don’t be concerned if you don’t get a response right away. Production of Voices of the Datasphere, the first book we’ll work on, will take months, and stretch goal titles like Vertices will take longer. There isn’t anything that can’t wait for a few days. But don’t worry—we WILL get back to you.

The Next Few Weeks

Kickstarter began collecting pledges the moment the campaign closed. But it takes Kickstarter a full two weeks to release those funds, along with the data on our backers.

In the meantime, we will get BackerKit fully set up so we can open it when we have that data. BackerKit is a third-party platform that lets you confirm all the information we need to fulfill your pledge. If there are add-ons you’ve missed, or if you decide to increase your reward level, you can do that through BackerKit as well. You’ll be notified when we open BackerKit.

NOTE: Signing into BackerKit is vital to getting your rewards. Kickstarter does NOT provide us with the information we need to fulfill your rewards; we MUST gather it from you after the campaign. If you don’t respond to your BackerKit survey, we can’t send you any rewards!

The Next Few Months

Once you’ve done your BackerKit survey, we won’t need anything else from you until it’s time to start fulfilling rewards. We’ll be busy crafting the products and rewards you will be receiving in the months to come.

At times during this period, you won't hear from us, maybe for a couple of months. Don’t worry if that happens—we've delivered hundreds of rewards on time in the past, and we'll be working diligently on yours.

But at the same time, please pay attention when you do get communications from us. Our emails and Kickstarter updates include critical information about your rewards.

When Your Rewards Ship

Every time a reward is ready for you, we’ll contact you again by email to begin the fulfillment process. Generally, we’ll direct you to the MCG Shop, where you’ll log in, “buy” the product (for free with a coupon, because you’ve already paid for it through Kickstarter), and check out. This is an important part of the process because it ensures we have accurate delivery information for every item we send out. (With thousands of backers getting rewards, it's amazing how many people will change their address over the fulfillment period.) You'll pay for shipping at that time. Make sure you're paying attention to communications from us—don't let our updates or emails go to your spam folder, or otherwise ignore them, because if you do you could miss out on some of your rewards.

This was a grand endeavor, and we are very happy you chose to be a part of it. Thank you all for your support, and for helping us bring exciting new Numenera titles into the world!

Glimmer Storm!
over 4 years ago – Fri, Sep 13, 2019 at 11:04:49 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Can We Make It? (And Some Critical Info)
over 4 years ago – Fri, Sep 13, 2019 at 10:47:49 PM

This campaign ends in about an hour, and we’re rocketing toward unlocking the Datashere Deck. It’s a real nail-biter. Will we make it? About two years ago, in the Numenera 2: Discovery and Destiny Kickstarter campaign, we unlocked the super-cool Numenera Deck Box literally in the final minutes of the campaign. It will take a stretch to make this one happen (that’s why they call them stretch goals!), but we’ve succeeded in similar stretches in the past!

Here’s what you can do to put us over the top:

  •  Go here and do a few of the things on the checklist. It will take, like, one minute. And you might win a Deluxe Numenera Slipcase Set!
  •  Retweet this tweet. Hurry!
  • And share this Facebook post. Don’t be shy—this update will be here when you get back.

Now Some Critical Things to Take Care Of

Before the campaign reaches its end, we wanted to give you a little checklist of things you might do to make sure you get all of the rewards you deserve without any hiccups.

1. Double-check Your Pledge. Go right now to the Kickstarter page and make sure you chose the reward level you want. If you want any add-ons, make sure you’ve increased your pledge amount accordingly. (Just click Manage Your Pledge, then increase the amount of your pledge by the cost of the add-on(s), without changing your pledge level. We’ll clarify what the extra funds were for in BackerKit, after the campaign ends.)

2. Credit Card. Please make sure your credit card information in Kickstarter is current and correct.

3. Last Minute Reward Add-Ons. Once the Kickstarter campaign is over, you won't be able to modify your pledge using Kickstarter. Add-ons should available, for a limited time, through BackerKit. We can't guarantee it, though, so if there's something you want, now's the time to be sure you get it.

4. Be Prepared for Additional Updates. The Kickstarter campaign is ending soon, but we’ll be interacting for some time—most rewards won’t ship for many months! Updates are the most reliable way of reaching all backers, so please make sure you read them and that they don’t go to your spam folder.

This is important. If you don’t read our updates, you may miss some rewards!

5. How Do You Spell Your Name? We apologize if this sounds silly or condescending, but it’s a real issue, and we have no other choice but to confront it head-on. Occasionally, in haste, people misspell or omit critical information when they provide it to us. This creates problems with shipping and sending rewards. When you provide information—your name, address, and so on—please pay close attention to all the details. If you live overseas, and your name or address includes special or accented characters, if at all possible please instead use the closest standard alphabetical character. Accented characters are often garbled as the Internet tries to convert them into American text; an "É" may come through the system written as "$%^", rendering your address undeliverable. Sometimes we can figure out the correct spelling, but often not.

6. Spread the Word One Last Time! This campaign isn’t over yet! We greatly appreciate all your support. Thank you for helping us make all these amazing books happen!

We’ve Upgraded the Standups! Can We Unlock One More Big One?
over 4 years ago – Fri, Sep 13, 2019 at 08:38:48 PM

Thank you, backers, for making the standups upgrade happen. We’re really looking forward to bringing these cool, high-quality 28 mm characters and creatures to our game tables, and we think you’ll love them too!

The day ain’t over yet. Let’s see if we can make one more stretch goal happen!

This deck is a little different than those we’ve created in the past—so much so, that rather than writing up a quick description, we’ve actually put together a little video to show you how this works!

We’ll fund the Datasphere Deck at $390,000. At that point, it’ll be yet another reward added in PDF to (rather aptly named!) the INTO THE DATASPHERE level, and in print and PDF to ONTO LIMINAL SHORES and higher levels!

We Can Do It!

We’re down to the last few hours of this campaign, but the pace today has been terrific. Keep spreading the word! And don’t forget that you can win a beautiful Deluxe Numenera Slipcase Set (a $240 value) as you do it—here are the details on how.